P. 276
7. (I) Magna Carta, meaning ‘The Great Charter’, is one of the 10. (I) One of the undesirable side effects of technology is
most celebrated documents in the history of democracy. (II) constant and unwanted noise. (II) We can close our eyes, but
Originally issued by England’s King John on June 15, 1215, we cannot close our ears and run away from the noise. (III)
as a practical solution to the political crisis he faced, Magna Despite the effectiveness of earplugs, it is impossible to block
Carta was the first document to put the principle that no out the noise that is hurting your eardrums entirely, right?
individual was above the law, not even the King in writing. (IV) Today, a variety of high-quality headphones are being
(III) Although the document was not initially successful, it introduced in the electronics market with distinctive features
was reissued (with alterations) in 1216, 1217, and 1225 and and an appealing price range. (V) However, with noise
eventually served as the basis for the English common law cancellation technology, you have the chance to effectively
system. (IV) It was intended to prevent the King from exploiting block out chaotic sound waves that are striking your eardrums.
his power and set limits on royal authority by establishing law
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
as a power in itself. (V) It was a failure in that respect, but it
did provide a new framework for the relationship between the
King and his subjects.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
11. (I) The Horn of Africa has faced up to three consecutive seasons
of scanty rains, which have been linked to climate change. (II)
Another poor rainy season will make this the longest drought
8. (I) Borax, like washing soda, has been used for thousands of the region has come up against in four decades. (III) Owing to
years to help wash clothes and clean surfaces. (II) Washing prolonged drought, some people perceive animals as a threat
soda and borax produce a natural and powerful laundry to scarce resources, while other communities rally to protect
detergent that is well-known for its ability to provide an ideal them. (IV) Since crops have failed and livestock has died, 20
cleaning solution. (III) All you need to do is combine one million people are in desperate need of food assistance. (V)
part borax and one part washing soda in a well-ventilated According to climate experts, even an average rainy season
container. (IV) Keep the dry mixture in an airtight container would not be enough to reverse the damage of the past few
and use it as needed. (V) You can adjust the amount of this years.
homemade detergent based on the total number of garments
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
to be laundered.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
12. (I) The municipality of Lustenau in Austria brags about having
built a bonfire that broke a world record. (II) When wood is
9. (I) Majuli, the world’s largest riverine island, is located in the scarce, the star fire may be the best option since it utilises
middle of the Brahmaputra River in the north-eastern Indian complete, unsplit logs that burn slowly at the ends to generate
state of Assam. (II) It is a highly significant historical and a long-lasting and effective fire. (III) An edifice was specifically
cultural landmark that requires prompt attention from the constructed for this organisation over the course of three
scientific community. (III) The island is experiencing severe months, but it burnt to the ground in less than half an hour on a
erosion at a pace of 1.9 km per year. (IV) It is isolated from Saturday evening. (IV) According to the people who put on the
the mainland of Assam by 2.5 kilometres, and it is accessed event, the pyre rose up to a height of sixty metres. (V) Thanks
by ferry from Nimati Ghat in the Jorhat district. (V) It will soon to the local firefighters who took necessary precautions before
be absorbed by the Brahmaputra River and vanish off the and during the activity, the surrounding market merchants
world map if nothing is done. survived the falling embers from the burning tower.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V