P. 273
Irrelevant Sentence-3
2018 YDT
Cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam 4. (I) Milk chocolate differs from dark chocolate in two ways: it
bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
contains a smaller percentage of cocoa solids, and it is sweeter
2018 YDT and smoother due to its milk content. (II) Milk chocolate is very
1. (I) Most psychologists still have not agreed on a definition of popular around the world these days because it has been
emotional intelligence. (II) Therefore, they define emotional adapted to many different national tastes. (III) The recipe of it
intelligence in various ways, depending on which expert was perfected in Switzerland by Daniel Peter in 1875. (IV) For
you ask. (III) The ‘discovery’ of the concept of emotional many years, manufacturers had tried to find a way of mixing
intelligence came about accidentally. (IV) Most definitions cocoa paste with milk without much luck, due to the latter’s
of emotional intelligence focus on your ability to be aware high liquid content. (V) The invention of condensed milk by
of, understand, and manage both your own as well as other Henri Nestle finally made this possible.
people’s emotions in order to adapt to life’s demands and
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
pressures. (V) Another definition is the ability to tune in to
the world, to read situations, and to connect with others while
taking charge of your own life.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
2018 YDT 2018 YDT
2. (I) A new electronic tattoo listens to the sounds of the human 5. (I) The majority of tourists visiting Greece are European,
body, including the heart and muscles. (II) The sensor-loaded although large numbers of people also visit from North
skin patch could be used for medical monitoring, like to detect America. (II) Greece has a rich history stretching back
irregular heartbeats, for example. (III) Electronic tattoos are thousands of years. (III) Yet, the modern nation state only
a controversial issue as some people believe that they may won its independence from the Turks in 1829, and it took
harm the body because of the chemicals they include. (IV) control of some islands as recently as 1947. (IV) Also due
Placed on the throat, it could also act as a human-machine to its mountainous terrian and lack of natural resources, it
interface by picking up the vibrations of your voice, even in was one of the poorest members of the Europen Union. (V)
noisy conditions. (V) In one demonstration, people used it to However, its large shipping fleet and earnings from tourism
play games by voice control at a crowded party. have helped the economy grow rapidly as time has passed.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
2018 YDT 2019 YDT
3. (I) Coconut can be consumed in various ways, and its different 6. (I) Each Sumerian city-state had fine public buildings, markets,
parts have varying nutritional benefits. (II) Firstly there is the workshops, and water systems. (II) There was a royal palace
flesh or meat, which is typically blended with the water inside and a ziggurat, on top of which was a shrine dedicated to
to create coconut milk. (III) This drink provides good sources the god of that city. (III) Scribes and accountants were also
of iron, selenium, as well as a bank of healthy saturated fats. important, and involved in all aspects of Sumerian daily life.
(IV) It is the high saturated fat that has made coconut oil (IV) Around the public buildings were houses of local people.
somewhat controversial with regard to cholesterol. (V) These (V) Beyond these lay the farmers’ field and the marshlands of
nutrients help to support energy levels and nourish the lining the Mesopotamian rivers.
of gut.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V