P. 278


        7.  There  ----  so  much  traffic  in  the  air  at  any  one  time  in
                                                                9. - 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
            many parts of the world that precautions ---- to prevent   uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
            probable collisions.

            A) had been / can be taken                         9.  The Tokyo-Yokohama is the largest urban concentration
            B) has been / could have been taken                    area in the world, and 70 per cent of Japan’s population
                                                                   live ---- the Pacific coast stretching ---- Tokyo and Kyushu.
            C) was / would have been taken
            D) is / must be taken                                  A) at / beyond
            E) will be / used to be taken                          B) under / through
                                                                   C) in / towards
                                                                   D) on / among
                                                                   E) along / between

                                                               10.  Organisms  compete  ----  existence  and  only  survive  to
                                                                   pass  on  their  genes  to  the  next  generation  if  they  are
                                                                   well-adapted ---- a particular environment.

                                                                   A) about / with
                                                                   B) for / in
                                                                   C) through / on
                                                                   D) of / to
                                                                   E) along / at

                                                               11.  ---- vitamin C cannot prevent us from getting sick, a study
        8.  Of all the planets ---- the Sun, Earth is the only one with
                                                                   conducted in 2017 showed that high doses of vitamin C
            an  atmosphere  that  contains  enough  oxygen  and  the
                                                                   can reduce the duration of a cold by 17 per cent.
            right temperatures ---- life.
                                                                   A) Since
            A) having surrounded / supporting
                                                                   B) While
            B) surrounding / to support
                                                                   C) Until
            C) to surround / to have supported
                                                                   D) As long as
            D) to have surrounded / having supported
                                                                   E) If
            E) to be surrounding / support

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