P. 275
Irrelevant Sentence-3
4. (I) Over the past two decades, clear aligner-based treatment
Cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam has gotten a lot of attention from the orthodontic community
bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
and even more attention from family doctors and other
2021 YDT general practitioners. (II) Aligner material has a number of
1. (I) Although few facts about his life are known, al-Farabi’s biomechanical limitations that have a negative impact on
influence on Arabic thought has been widely accepted. (II) clinical performance. (III) Various companies have risen to
Most of his written commentaries concerned the writings prominence, utilising influential advertising to promote the
of Aristotle and, to a lesser degree, Plato. (III) Al-Farabi is products for this treatment, mostly to patients and clinicians,
considered the foremost music scholar in history. (IV) His through social media platforms. (IV) The development of
own philosophy was a version of Neoplatonism, which he new software, aligner materials, and auxiliary devices has
presented in such works as Tahsil al-Sa’adah (The Attainment broadened the range of orthodontic disorders that can be
of Happiness). (V) In al-Farabi’s view, the world flows from treated. (V) It has therefore become possible to make people
God in the form of ideas or ‘intelligences’, from which levels of prefer using them instead of braces.
existence flow until the material world is created.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
5. (I) The path a snowflake takes as it descends into the
atmosphere is the reason why some snowflakes are stuck
together, and others are powdery and loose in appearance.
(II) The ones falling from a dry, chilly environment are tiny
2021 YDT and crumbly, and they do not stick together; this is called ‘dry
snow’, which is great for skiing but not so good for making
2. (I) The history of human health is the history of medicine.
a snowman. (III) Because of the hydrogen bonds formed
(II) Accordingly, humans have always used plants as the
between water molecules, the ice crystals in snowflakes
centrepiece of our healthcare, but we have lapsed over the
have a hexagonal structure. (IV) The ones that are capable
past 50 years. (III) We used to eat more than 200 types of
of making wet snow, on the other hand, fall at temperatures
foods from plants, and now 80 percent of our diet comes
higher than zero degrees Celsius. (V) As they descend,
from just 10 species. (IV) The reasons for this are many,
they begin to melt slightly at the edges and clump together
including the prevalence of fast foods which put convenience
to create massive and heavy snowflakes, which are perfect
over health. (V) The fast food industry is one of the greatest
for snowball battles and snowman making since they hold
success stories of all time.
together readily.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
6. (I) Koalas use their fingerprints to choose their food because
they are known to be selective eaters, consuming just about
2021 YDT
fifty species of eucalyptus out of more than seven hundred.
3. (I) The composer Ludwig van Beethoven created some of (II) Even though they do not look as if they have nothing in
the most influential music in history. (II) In 1787 he studied common with humans, koalas have fingerprints strikingly
briefly with the great composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in similar to ours. (III) Under a microscope, even the most
Vienna. (III) He transformed many traditional forms of Western detailed examination is unable to distinguish between the
classical music. (IV) For example, he set new standards two. (IV) Koalas can feel whether the leaves are in the proper
for the symphony, creating longer pieces that expressed texture before eating them thanks to the sharp grooves in
important ideas and deep feelings rather than just serving as their fingerprints, which is similar to how we humans utilise
entertainment. (V) His works include nine symphonies, one our fingerprints to feel the intricacies in different textures. (V)
opera, and many pieces for small groups and for piano and In addition, koalas, like humans, can grasp and manipulate
other solo instruments. objects with their fingers.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V