P. 268

ENGLISH                                                                                     3  STEP

        7.  (I) Virginia’s Tangier Island is vanishing from the face of   10.  (I) On November 13, 2021, thousands of musicians, ranging
            the earth rapidly.  (II)  Rising sea levels are aggravating   in age from  12 to 77, gathered at the Venezuelan  Military
            erosion and floods, so in the next few decades, some parts   Academy in Caracas. (II) Having been founded on September
            of the island could become uninhabitable.  (III)  Due to the   2, 1810, it is the oldest military academy in the country and
            inhospitable climate and difficult geographical situation, the   one of the oldest in Latin America.  (III) They attempted to
            state is  sparsely inhabited.  (IV) Policymakers and  island   break the Guinness World Record for the biggest orchestra
            dwellers have not been able to come to a decision on whether   performance by performing for roughly ten minutes. (IV) The
            they should attempt to save the island or relocate its small   piece of music played by the orchestra was a tone poem by
            community somewhere else. (V) However, marine biologists   Tchaikovsky in 1876 to commemorate Russia’s help in the
            are of the opinion that the time to decide is running out quickly.  Serbo-Turkish War.  (V) Seven days after the performance,
                                                                   Guinness World Records officially announced that the
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                   musicians had successfully set a new record for the world’s
                                                                   largest orchestra.
                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

        8.  (I) Ibn Sina, whose influence on Islamic and European medicine   11.  (I) Founded on the western coast of the Italian peninsula in
            persisted for  centuries, was  one  of the  most eminent Muslim   the 8  century BC, ancient Roman civilisation was initially a
            physicians and philosophers of his day.  (II) Although he was   small agricultural community on the banks of the river Tiber.
            known as Ibn Sina in the Muslim world, different names and   (II) It transformed itself from a monarchy to a republic, and
            titles were used while mentioning him. (III) For example, he was   finally, to an autocratic empire. (III) Over time, it became one
            named by his students and followers as ‘the Master Wise Man’.   of the most powerful and largest empires the world has ever
            (IV) The Europeans, on the other hand, knew him as ‘Avicenna’   seen. (IV) The Roman Empire used to possess very well-
            and called him the ‘Prince of Physicians’ (V) As a thinker, he   disciplined armies, and the weapons they used were state-
            represented the culmination of  the  Islamic renaissance and   of-the-art. (V) Though mostly concentrated in the African and
            was described as having the mind of Goethe and the genius of   European regions around the Mediterranean Sea, the empire
            Leonardo da Vinci.                                     was able to expand its lands to Britain in the north and to the
                                                                   Parthian Empire in the east.
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

        9.  (I)  One of the reasons for the lack of gender diversity in   12.  (I) Orthodontics is a speciality of dentistry that deals with the
            science is that society supports the idea that boys and girls   proper placement of teeth on the dental bones (alveolar crests),
            have different interests and abilities. (II) We can observe this   the diagnosis and treatment of facial irregularities. (II) Root canal
            from a very early age when little boys are given cars whereas   treatment performed by endodontists is the name given to all the
            girls have dolls.  (III) The former are encouraged to build   applications made to treat diseases of the vein and nerve group
            things, while the latter learn to care for others. (IV) In fact,   in the tooth. (III) Although it means straight teeth, the orthodontics
            there is no evidence that biological differences between the   department, which exceeds the meaning of the word, treats
            genders make one gender more talented than the other in a   not only teeth but also lower and middle-facial irregularities.
            particular subject. (V) As a consequence, girls tend to have   (IV) Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that evaluates the
            better language skills while boys tend to have better spatial   position of the lower and upper jaws concerning the skull base
            awareness.                                             and to one another, as well as the three-dimensional relationship
                                                                   of the teeth.  (V) With the newly developed applications in
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V                orthodontics in the 2000s, the age limit has now disappeared for
                                                                   many treatments.

                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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