P. 81

ENGLISH 10                                       Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü


                                                           Brenda: Germany. After living two years with my grandparents,
            Tapescript: 1.1.1                              I’m here again with my parents due to the pandemic.
                                                           Lisa: Do you have any siblings?
           Mother: Hey, Jonathan! Your online class starts soon. Please
                                                           Brenda:  No,  I  don’t.  I’m  the  only  child,  but  luckily,  I  have
           get ready.
                                                           Sue. She’s more like a sister. We’ve spent most of our time
           Jonathan: I  know,  mom, but there is a problem with the
                                                           Sue: Exactly, we’re best friends and I always appreciate her
           Mother: What kind of a problem?
                                                           in many ways, especially her passion for reading and learning
           Jonathan:  My  computer  doesn’t  connect  to  the  Internet.  I
                                                           new things in life. She is a real bookworm.
           don’t understand why!
                                                           Lisa: That’s really sweet. So girls, do you have the first day
           Mother: Let me see. Hmm… You are right, the problem is
                                                           of school excitement?
           with the WI-FI.
                                                           Brenda: Even though it’s a distance learning, my answer is
           Jonathan: What are we going to do, mom? I’ll miss the class!
                                                           absolutely yes!
           Mother: Don’t panic, honey. Let’s try to restart the modem.
                                                           Sue: Same here!
           Jonathan: OK! Just a second.
                                                           A few hours later...
           Mother: You can prepare your books while waiting.
                                                           Brenda: Good afternoon, Mr. Bennet. This is Brenda calling.
           Jonathan: Yes, we are going to have a math class. I’ll need
                                                           Mr. Bennet: Hi, Brenda! How can I help you?
           my notebook, too.
                                                           Brenda: I’ve tried many times to make an online registration
           Mother: I  check the connection  and you get ready for the
                                                           for the membership of the school library, but it didn’t work.
           math class.
                                                           Mr.  Bennet:  OK  Brenda,  wait  a  minute  please.  Could  you
           Jonathan: OK!
                                                           spell your surname?
           Mother: Aha! The Internet is back. You are ready to connect.
                                                           Brenda: L-L-O-Y-D
           You have five minutes more before the class.
                                                           Mr. Bennet: Which class are you in?
           Jonathan: My books are also ready. I can do the rest. Thank
                                                           Brenda: 10-C.
           you, mom. You are the best!
                                                           Mr. Bennet: How old are you?
                                                           Brenda: 15
            Tapescript: 1.2.1                              Mr.  Bennet: OK.  And can you give me your telephone
           Interviewer: Come in, Mr. Williams. Please have a seat.
                                                           Brenda: 077 1483 5292
           Mr. Williams: Thank you.
                                                           Mr. Bennet: The access code will be sent via SMS to your
           Interviewer:  Could  you  please  give  us  some  information
                                                           mobile phone in a  minute.  Then you can complete the
           about yourself?
                                                           registration process.
           Mr. Williams: I come from Brighton. I’m 25 years old. After
                                                           Brenda: Thank you, Mr. Bennet.
           graduating  from  computer  engineering,  I  got  a  master’s
           degree in business management.
                                                            Tapescript: 2.1.1
           Interviewer: Nice. What are your hobbies?
           Mr. Williams: I like going hiking and climbing with my friends   Miss Chatterbox: Young ladies and gentlemen, welcome to
           at weekends. Also, I’m interested in science and technology,   Highflyers. I’m Miss Chatterbox, and today, my guest is Dennis
           so I follow the latest improvements in this field.  Wolf, a student from Dublin City University. I’m gonna ask him
           Interviewer: What are your strengths and weaknesses?  some questions about his solo adventure. So, Dennis… Here
           Mr.  Williams:  I’m  good  at  teamwork  skills  and  I’m  highly   is my first question. Where are you going next week?
           organized. However, I’m not comfortable with taking risks at   Dennis: Well, I’m going to Tanzania to spend 8 weeks as a
           work.                                           volunteer.
           Interviewer: Just one more question. Why do you want to   Miss Chatterbox: Oh, great. I also got the answers to my
           work here?                                      second and third questions beginning with why and how long.
           Mr. Williams: I’ve been using your products for a long time   Then, here’s my next question. Where is Tanzania?
           and I want to be a part of this company.        Dennis:  Tanzania  is  the  largest  country  in  East Africa.  It’s
           Interviewer: Thank you, Mr. Williams. We’re going to inform   been  in  my  bucket  list  since  I  saw  breathtaking  Zanzibar
           you soon.                                       beaches on the Internet. I’m sure volunteering will make my
                                                           travel experience more meaningful.
            Tapescript: 1.3.1                              Miss Chatterbox: No doubt you’ll be more than a traveller.
                                                           Where are you going to live there?
           Sue: Hi, Lisa! What’s up?
                                                           Dennis: I’m going to live with a local family in a small village
           Lisa: Not much! Just surfing the Net. What about you?
           Sue: Well, I’m fine. Look, I’ll introduce you to Brenda. Can you
                                                           Miss Chatterbox: What exactly are you going to do there?
           guess who she is?
                                                           Dennis: Well, actually, I’m going to work at an orphanage. I’m
           Lisa: No idea! I think we haven’t met before.
                                                           going to construct a classroom with the other volunteers and
           Sue:  No,  you  haven’t.  She’s  my  cousin  and  she’s  a  new
                                                           teach English. I’m also gonna play games with the children.
           student at our school.
                                                           I hope I’ll bring energy and enthusiasm to make a difference.
           Lisa: Hi, Brenda! Nice to meet you. Welcome to Balamory
                                                           Miss Chatterbox: So, next week, you’ll open your eyes to
           High School.
                                                           another part of the world. How do you feel?
           Brenda: Hi, Lisa! Thank you!
                                                           Dennis: So excited. Can’t wait to fly there. I’m gonna help
           Sue: Brenda is not in the same class with us. She is in class
                                                           children who really need my support. Also, I’m gonna have an
           10-C, but we’re going to take the art lessons together because
                                                           amazing experience and so much fun. I’m going to make new
           she’s really  interested in drawing like us.
                                                           friends from different parts of the world.
           Lisa: How nice! Where do you come from Brenda?
                                                           Miss Chatterbox: I’m so sure that you’ll learn lots of things
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