P. 86
Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü ENGLISH 10
Mr. Söylemez: Exactly! This cooperation will help us to
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improve new technologies.
Presenter: What kind of events and activities are carried out Hello, everyone. Welcome to Bernie’s Podcast. Today, I’d
during the festival? like to tell you about the virtual museums in Turkey. The
Mr. Söylemez: There are competitions, fun activities, museums were all closed at the beginning of the pandemic
exhibitions and also aviation shows of drones, Turkish Stars, as a precaution. However, many of them were moved into
parachute teams and Turkish helicopter ‘Atak’. a virtual environment by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of
Presenter: What are these competitions about? Culture and Tourism. I strongly recommend you guys to visit
Mr. Söylemez: There are more than thirty different categories the website, and take a virtual tour
that change according to the age groups. A team must of these incredible museums. On the site, you can find 33
participate in at least one category. If they want to participate important museums of Turkey which have been visited by
in more than one category, separate application for each almost 12 million people all around the world since March 25,
competition is compulsory. 2020. Troy Museum, Zeugma Mosaic Museum, İzmir Ephesus
Presenter: I see. Is the festival open only for the competitors and Göbeklitepe Archaeological Site Museum are just a few
and their families? of them. Yesterday, I took a virtual tour of Zeugma Mosaic
Mr. Söylemez: Of course not! The TEKNOFEST is an Museum in Gaziantep which has the most precious mosaics
international festival. It’s open to everyone and completely free in the world. I’ve always wanted to visit there but never had
of charge. Unfortunately, no visitors were accepted in 2020 a chance. Thanks to three-dimensional design and high-tech,
because of the pandemic. However, with 1,720,000 visitors in I was able to experience Zeugma’s rich mosaic collection
2019, it was the largest technology festival in the world. from my comfortable armchair. Zeugma is the world’s largest
Presenter: How nice to hear this. And what about the mosaic museum with a 30,000 square meters of area. The
participants? What qualifications are needed to apply for it? mosaics of the Ancient City of Zeugma are about 2000 years
Mr. Söylemez: All the competition terms and conditions are old. If you take a tour, you’ll see the colorful mosaic collection
shared on our website in detail. Participants must be careful about many subjects showing the lifestyle, architecture, plant
about the application deadline. Also, if they are younger than and animal diversity of those times. The Gypsy Girl, who is
13, they’ll only be accepted with their parents or teachers. a young woman with a scarf and round earrings, is the most
Presenter: Thank you, Mr. Söylemez. I’m sure it will attract all famous example. Please write to me your impressions about
technology lovers. the virtual museums that you’ve visited via my social media
accounts. See you on the next episode!
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Jane: Andy, can I come in?
Andy: Oh, Jane. Sure. I’m sorry. I haven’t heard any doorbell Ms. Dawson: Good morning, everybody. Today, we’re going
or something like that. Really surprised to see you here. to discuss the pros and cons of AI, artificial intelligence. Let’s
Jane: Yeah! Your mom says that you’ve been reading in here start with the meaning of it. Anybody who wants to talk?
for two days. I really want to know what book is so interesting. Debby: May I, Ms. Dawson?
Andy: Actually, yesterday I read The Boy in the Striped Ms. Dawson: Sure, Debby. Please go on.
Pyjamas and loved it so much. Then, I learned that it was Debby: AI is a skillful computer or machine system which
adapted for a feature film, and as you can guess, I watched it has some qualities of the human mind and can act like an
immediately. This morning, while I was walking to the bakery, intelligent being.
I stopped by the bookstore. I asked for John Boyne’s other Ms. Dawson: Yes, Debby. And in today’s world, we are
books, apart from The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. There were surrounded by those systems. Chris, can you give any
two other books available in the store. I bought them without examples for AI usage in our everyday lives?
thinking. So, there wasn’t any money left to buy bread. I went Chris: Our smartphones and home devices, personal search
home with two books, The Terrible Thing that Happened to engines, online streaming services and so on.
Barnaby Brocket and The Boy at the Top of the Mountain Ms. Dawson: So, what do you think about the pros of AI? Do
instead of bread. My mother gave me some money again and you agree that it makes our lives easier?
said, “Go out and walk ahead. Pass by the bookstore quickly, Joanna: I agree with this idea. AI is getting better every day. In
and the bakery is on your left. I hope you won’t miss it this my opinion, with every technological improvement, it becomes
time.” Of course, I didn’t miss it, but since the moment I came more useful.
home, I’ve been reading. I really want to finish both of them Debby: I feel the same. I also believe that it’s very beneficial
today. That’s why I’m reading nonstop. in terms of security. For example, thanks to face and voice
Jane: For me, this is insane, and I prefer watching the movies recognition features of AI, we can keep our private belongings
based on books. secure.
Andy: If you read his books, I’m sure you’ll change your mind. Ms. Dawson: Lucas, what are your thoughts on the pros of
Jane: Sorry, I couldn’t catch the author’s name? artificial intelligence?
Andy: John Boyne. Lucas: For me, using AI in medical treatments is the most
Jane: No idea, but I want to read one of the books you have. important thing. It’s very successful in accurate decision
Well, I want to learn about the terrible thing that happened to making. So, it’s a perfect tool for critical surgeries. Personally
... to ... the boy. I’ve forgotten his name. speaking, this may be the best thing that AI has given to us.
Andy: Haha! The Terrible Thing that Happened to Barnaby Ms. Dawson: I totally agree with you. Now, let’s talk about the
Brocket. OK, here you are. cons of it. Any thoughts on that? Yes, Debby.
Jane: OK, your beloved red armchair is mine. Let’s make the Debby: The first thing that comes to my mind is the high cost
day count by reading together. of the AI systems.
Andy: I’ll read on my bed anyway. Shall we start? Chris: And the risk of unemployment. I agree that AI machines
Jane: If your mom comes in, give her the third book to read then. have perfect work performance. However, if we let AI do
Andy: Good idea!