P. 87

ENGLISH 10                                       Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü


            everything for us, we’ll all be unemployed in the near future.   Kylie:  Because  I’m  interested  in  photography  and  I  would
            Ms. Dawson: Yes, you’ve made a good point, Chris. Anything   really want to  take  a  lot  of  photos of  the  amazing temple
            to add, Lucas or Joanna?                       Angkor Wat.
            Joanna: Sometimes I fear that AI will become uncontrollable   Mr. Traveler: How nice…! So, I hope one day you’ll make it
            and lead to the extinction of the human race. Just like in the   real Kylie, and here comes our next guest. Hello, welcome!
            sci-fi series…                                 Rayan: Hi! I’m Rayan from Morocco, and I’m a real classical
            Lucas:  I  couldn’t  agree  more,  Joanna.  I  don’t  want  to  be   music  enthusiast.  So,  I’d  travel  to  Vienna  and  attend  a
            pessimistic, but if it’s controlled by the wrong hands, it can be   classical  concert.  In  fact,  this  isn’t  my  imaginary  holiday.
            used to develop mass destruction weapons.      It was real before the pandemic. My friends and I planned
            Ms. Dawson: Thanks, Lucas. In conclusion, can we say that   everything about the journey to the city, but unfortunately, it
            AI  is  beneficial  to  our  lives?  But  it  should  only  be  used  to   was cancelled because of the COVID-19.
            make the world a better place. Therefore, the abilities of the   Mr. Traveler: Oh! Sorry to hear that Rayan. I hope you won’t
            machines with AI should be limited and protected by law.  miss a concert next time and will have an incredible music
                                                           experience in Vienna. And finally our third and last guest. Hi!
             Tapescript  9.1.1                             Melinda:  Hello  from  Switzerland!  I’m  Melinda  and  I  study
                                                           music at the conservatory. If I had the chance, I would go to
            Ms.  Honey:  Yes,  Dennis.  We’re  ready  to  listen  to  your
            presentation about Pavarotti, the famous Italian tenor.
                                                           Mr. Traveler: Great! I’ve heard a lot about the natural and
            Dennis:  Let  me  begin by  showing  some photos of  him.
                                                           historical wonders of that country.
            Pavarotti was one of the most popular contemporary vocal
                                                           Melinda: Definitely true! But my reason is different. My family
            performers in the world. He was born in an Italian town called
                                                           lives  in  İzmir.  I  would  go  there  and  hug  my  parents  tight
            Modena in 1935. His father, who was a baker, was a great
                                                           because I missed them so much.
            opera lover and a gifted amateur tenor. Pavarotti was really
                                                           Mr.  Traveler:  Wow! That’s  adorable.  I  hope  you  can  meet
            keen on sports when he was a teenage boy. “I wish I were a
                                                           them soon and give them a big hug, Melinda.
            goalkeeper,’’ he always said to his friends. He earned his first
            local fame as a member of the town’s soccer team.
                                                            Tapescript  9.3.1
            Ms. Honey: How did his singing career begin?
            Dennis: He first sang in the Modena chorus with his father.   Tom:  Helen,  what  is  this  on  your  table?  Did  you  borrow
            Then, he spent seven years in vocal training. While studying   Alaaddin’s magic lamp?
            music, he  had part-time  jobs to  sustain himself. First,  as   Helen: You’re such a kidder, Tom. It’s not a magic lamp. It’s a
            an elementary  school  teacher  and  then  as an  insurance   souvenir. I purchased it from a shop in Jordan on one of my trips.
            salesman.                                      Tom: Oh, have you been there? I’ve always wondered about
            Ms. Honey: When was his first appearance on stage?  Jordan, actually.
            Dennis: Well, his debut  came in  April, 1961  in a popular   Helen: It’s a different kind of geography. I’m sure you’ll like it.
            opera  La  Boheme. He gave concerts not only in Italy but   Tom: How I wish I were there now.
            also in Amsterdam, Vienna, Zurich and London. Everybody   Helen: Hope you make it one day, Tom.
            called  him Big Luciano  because  of his huge  body and  his   Tom: Hope so. By the way, if you were asked to make a wish by
            extraordinary  voice.  In  1990,  Pavarotti  and  two  Spanish   this lamp, what would it be, Helen?
            opera stars introduced  opera  classics at the Soccer World   Helen: Hmm, Let me think for a while. I think it would be the
            Cup. Millions of football fans around the world knew about   ability to tell stories beautifully.
            opera classics. In 1998, Big Luciano was given a very special   Tom: What do you mean?
            award, the Grammy Legend Award.                Helen: I mean, I wish I had people around me to hear the words
            Ms. Honey: When and why did his stage star begin to fade?  that are poured out so fluently from my mouth into absolute
            Dennis: His stage star began to fade in his sixties because   masterpieces.
            of his health problems. He had to cancel several concerts of   Tom: You want people to hear the magic that flows from your
            his worldwide farewell tour. He got a reputation as the King of   tongue. That’s really compelling. One more, please.
            Cancellations. Big Luciano died in September, 2007.  Helen: I wish I could say no to people when I need to. I always
                                                           know the train wreck, which is coming closer, but I can’t stop it
             Tapescript  9.2.1                             somehow.
                                                           Tom: I wish you could grow a cold heart.
            Mr.  Traveler: Ladies  and gentlemen,  welcome to  The
                                                           Helen: I hope one day. What would you wish from my magical
            Morning Show with Mr. Traveler. Today, I’m going to ask you
            a very  simple question. You know,  in this program we are
                                                           Tom: I wish I had an undo button with which I could turn back
            talking about our travelling experiences, and we have shared
                                                           in time to fix my mistakes, undo my anger, undo every stupid
            so many interesting events with you so far. But nowadays,
                                                           word that came out of my mouth, undo the misunderstandings
            we’re all stuck at home due to the pandemic, and we all miss
                                                           and so on.
            the good old days. And my question is; where would you be
                                                           Helen: I really loved your button. Maybe you let me use it, ha!
            right now and what would you do if you had a chance? Well…
                                                           Tom: I’ll think about it.
            Here comes our first guest.
                                                           Helen: You’re bad! What about your next wish?
            Kylie: Hello, Mr. Traveler! I’m Kylie from Britain.
                                                           Tom: I wish I had the ability to shapeshift into any form like
            Mr. Traveler: Hi, Kylie! How are you?
                                                           objects in pockets included.
            Kylie: Well...Tired and bored of being at home all the time,
                                                           Helen: I must admit you’re so creative. Which object is on your
            and my answer  to your question  is, it would  definitely  be
            Cambodia. I’ve always wanted to go there, but I didn’t have
                                                           Tom: I wish I were your sunglasses so that I could easily travel
            time for it. So, if I had a chance, I would go to Cambodia, and
                                                           with you.
            visit Angkor Wat.
                                                           Helen:  Oh, forget about it because I regularly lose my
            Mr. Traveler: Wow. It sounds interesting, but why Angkor Wat?
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