P. 83
ENGLISH 10 Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü
lessons in 1921 and then, she bought her first airplane with I used to work at an art gallery. Now, I have a job at the City
the money she borrowed from her family. She got her pilot’s Museum. Unlike you, I’ve rented an apartment in the city near
license two years later. In 1928, Amelia was the first woman the museum.
to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Although she was a passenger Angela: Look, I have to go now. What about meeting in a short
of that flight, she became famous. Four years later, in order time and talk more about now and then?
to prove that she was a qualified pilot, Earhart flew across the Martin: Sounds perfect. Here’s my number. Call me as soon
Atlantic again, but this time she was the pilot of the plane. This as possible.
flight lasted 14 hours and it was a record then. In 1935, she
made the first flight across the Pacific Ocean from Hawaii to Tapescript 4.3.1
California successfully, and people called her as one of the
Eric: Hello! Welcome to Absurd Facts Podcast.
world’s most skilled and adventurous aviators. According to
Judie: Hey, Eric and hello, everyone. Are you ready for the
Amelia, there was one more dream left, and it was about flying
new topic?
around the world. In 1937, she departed from Miami, Florida
Eric: Oh, I’m sure it’s fun.
and traveled nearly 40,000 kilometers with her navigator. While
Judie: Let’s see. Why do you brush your teeth, Eric?
they were crossing the Pacific Ocean, their plane disappeared
Eric: My teeth? Of course for health and it isn’t good to have
near Howland Island. Earhart was never found, and her life
black teeth, is it?
story ended mysteriously.
Judie: In 16 century Britain, it was actually. Sugar used to be
very expensive in those years and only the rich could afford to
Tapescript 4.1.1
buy it. And of course, Queen Elizabeth liked eating sweets too
1. It wasn’t very easy to communicate. People used to send much and her teeth turned black.
letters and telegrams. It was expensive and time-consuming. Eric: Really?
Sometimes it took months to receive a letter. Judie: And what’s interesting is that it was fashionable to have
2. Today, we use smartphones and the Internet to communicate. black teeth among the lower class, so they used to blacken
It’s faster and easier to contact each other. their teeth with coal to look like the queen. In this way, they
3. There weren’t many ways to get the news around the world. could show that they were rich.
We used to watch TV and listen to the radio a lot for the Eric: Sounds interesting, but not healthy. OK, then. I have an
news. interesting fact about ladies. First, what do the high platform
4. Today, people prefer online newspapers to the print media. shoes mean to you?
There are also social media platforms on which people Judie: Ah, elegance. They’re really beautiful.
share and comment on the news. Eric: Yeah, they used to be quite fashionable in Venice in 16
5. There wasn’t electricity in our village in those times. The and 17 centuries. However, the ladies didn’t use to wear them
whole family used to gather for a chat and children used to just for elegance.
play with their handmade toys. Judie: Oh, then why?
6. Now, each family member usually spends time on his/her Eric: They used to wear long dresses, but the streets were
own. Children play computer games and the parents surf the dirty and muddy, so they used to wear these extremely high
Net. They watch films and series on digital platforms, too. platforms to keep their dresses clean. They were also a symbol
of high society. The higher the platforms were, the more
Tapescript 4.2.1 powerful they were.
Judie: Wow, that’s incredible.
Angela: Hey, Martin!
Eric: Yeah! Another absurd fact is…
Martin: Hello, Angela. How nice to see you again. It’s been
ages since we last met.
Tapescript 5.1.1
Angela: Yeah, I think we last met at the class reunion five
years ago. Katie: Welcome, everyone! I’m Katie Sanders and this is The
Martin: You look quite different. I can’t believe how much Best. Today’s live show is about our best travel experiences.
you’ve changed. You used to have red hair, didn’t you? Any interesting experience, anyone? Well… Now, I’m waiting
Angela: Right. I was tired of dying it regularly, so I decided not for volunteers. Yes, here comes our first guest.
to dye it anymore. Brenda: Hello, Katie! Can you hear me?
Martin: And as I remember, you used to wear big glasses. Katie: Yes, dear. I can hear you perfectly. What’s your name?
Angela: Oh, yes. And I liked them very much, but I had an Where are you connecting from?
operation two years ago. I feel more comfortable without them Brenda: Great! I’m Brenda. I’m connecting from Germany.
now. Katie: Brenda, tell us. What was your best travel experience?
Martin: So, what else is different with you now? Brenda: It was definitely the trip to Mostar Bridge in Bosnia &
Angela: I’ve moved to the countryside recently. Remember I Herzegovina. I’m a professional diver. I went to Mostar with my
used to live in the city center. I was really bored with the noise, team to participate in the traditional diving contest.
and now I have a new house 30 km far from the center. It’s nice Katie: Wow! And the result is?
to wake up in nature. Brenda: It was a 27-meter dive from the old bridge into the
Martin: That sounds peaceful. What about Morgan? Neretva River and we came the second!
Angela: Morgan? Who is Morgan? Katie: Incredible! Brenda, this is an amazing story. Thanks for
Martin: Don’t say you forgot about the lovely cat you used to sharing with us.
have. Brenda: It was a pleasure.
Angela: Mooorgannn! Oh, you remember him. I looked after Katie: Here is another guest coming! Hello, welcome!
it only for a short time, he was my sister’s. What about you? Amos: Hi! I’m Amos from Israel.
What has changed in your life? Katie: Hey, Amos! So, what was your best travel experience?
Martin: Not much, actually. I’ve changed my job. You know Amos: Oh, it was the spectacular Petra. The ancient city