P. 82

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 10


              you can never see in the textbooks. Thanks for coming to my   in the F1 community that has not respected the seven-time
              program, Dennis. Have an unforgettable chapter in your life   World Champion Michael Schumacher for his racing genius.
              in Tanzania and enjoy the amazing beaches in Zanzibar. I’m   You know he is regarded as one of the greatest F1 racing
              looking  forward to hosting you here again when you come   drivers of all time. The race began. Everything was great. Of
              back.                                           course, Schumacher’s car was racing way ahead. My brother
                                                              and I were cheering and shouting just like all the other fans.
               Tapescript: 2.2.1                              Schumacher won the race and got out of his car. Before he
                                                              went to collect his prize, he walked towards where we were
              Monica: I’ve been accepted to a college out of my hometown,
                                                              sitting. I couldn’t understand why he was waving and smiling
              and next month I’m going to start school. I’m really excited as
                                                              at us. He suddenly called my name. I was so surprised that I
              this is a new chapter in my life. Next weekend we’re going
                                                              felt as though I was going to faint. A few seconds later, when
              to  New  York  to  look  for  an  apartment.  I’m  going  shopping
                                                              I opened my eyes, I was face-to-face with the huge poster
              tomorrow, so I’ve made a list. I’m going to buy lots of thick
                                                              of Schumacher opposite my bed. I wasn’t at Silverstone and
              clothes  as  it’s  colder  there.  I’m  also  going  to  buy  a  new
                                                              never had been. It was all a dream.
              computer and lots of books. Oh, busy times …
              Eric:  This is my third year at university, and  that means
                                                               Tapescript: 3.2.1
              traveling  abroad  once  again.  So,  I’m  flying  to  London  next
              Friday. I’m happy to study in England because I’ve made lots   Today, I want to talk about a Turkish biochemist and molecular
              of  friends  there,  and  I’ve  seen  many  European  countries.   biologist and his great contributions to discoveries on DNA
              Next semester, I’m going to take more classes to finish the   repair.  He  inspired  me greatly when he received the 2015
              school earlier. I hope I’ll get a good degree and find a job in   Nobel Prize in chemistry. Any ideas who he is? Yes, he is Aziz
              London. Wish me luck!                           Sancar. He was born on September 8, 1946, in Savur, a small
              Susan: My life won’t change much at university because I’m   town in southeast Turkey. He grew up in a farming family of
              going to study here in my hometown. I have lots of friends   eight children. As his father was on the farm, his mother took
              here, so I won’t have to worry about making new friends. I’m   care of the children and the house. His parents were illiterate,
              going to stay with my parents this year. I want to save some   in other words, they could not read or write, but they valued
              money to move out as soon as possible, so I’m going to start   the importance of education and did their best for their kids’
              working at a café next week.                    education. They were Sancar’s role models. “My mother was
                                                              the most intelligent woman I know, and she deeply admired
               Tapescript: 2.3.1                              Atatürk,” Aziz Sancar said. His large family was an important
                                                              part of his early childhood. His oldest brother taught him how
              Sophie:  I’m  going  to  go  abroad  for  holiday  next  summer.
                                                              to read and write when he was 5. Therefore, when he began
              What do you think? Will you join me?
                                                              school, he was well ahead of his classmates. Aziz was always
              Ethan: In June?
                                                              the top student in his class throughout his primary education
              Sophie: Yeah! We have three days  off  due to  the national
                                                              in Mardin. Thanks to an excellent teacher, he fell in love with
              holiday. We can take another four days off from work and go
                                                              the world of chemistry. He started studying medicine at the
              for a whole week.
                                                              İstanbul Medical School. During medical school, he became
              Ethan: Ah, I’ll be so busy in June. It’s the end of the semester
                                                              more familiar with DNA. He was really interested in the
              and I’ll have tons of work to do. Never mind. So, where are
                                                              mystery of body molecules. Although his passion was to treat
              you going to go?
                                                              patients, he soon realized that treating patients didn’t involve
              Sophie: I’m going to go to Mexico, my friend! To Playa Del
                                                              discoveries.  Then, he started doing  research on molecular
              Carmen. The most beautiful beach town in Mexico! Woo hoo!
                                                              biology. In 1977, he joined one of the top laboratories in the
              Ethan: Ha ha! Isn’t it a bit far for a beach holiday? There are
                                                              U.S.A., the lab of Dr. Rupert at the University of Dallas, Texas.
              closer options like Turkey, Greece or Spain.
                                                              He was able to clone the gene that repairs UV-damaged DNA.
              Sophie: Well, when I go there, I’m going to visit the ancient
                                                              With this discovery, he received the Nobel Prize in chemistry
              Mayan ruins in the town of Tulum. The Maya civilization is my
                                                              in 2015. He still works as a professor at the University of North
              favorite among the ancient civilizations. So, this isn’t going to
                                                              Carolina School of Medicine. His wife is also a professor in
              be a beach holiday only.
                                                              biochemistry and biophysics.
              Ethan: Where is this city actually located in Mexico?
              Sophie:  It’s  in  the  Riviera  Maya  area  along  the  Caribbean   Tapescript: 3.3.1
              Ethan: Wow! The Caribbean Islands… I can’t imagine how   Ladies  and  gentlemen,  welcome  to  Amazing  History.  I’m
              beautiful  the  underwater  is.  Corals,  shipwrecks,  turtles…  I   Mr. Chronicle, and today I’m going to tell you the story of a
              envy you Sophie girl!                           woman who chased her dreams and made them real. She
              Sophie: Ethan, my  dearest friend… I  will definitely go   is Amelia Earhart, an aviator and the first woman to fly the
              snorkeling at Cenote Dos Ojos. Just for you… Ha ha ha!  Atlantic solo. She was born on July 24, 1897. Different from
                                                              the other girls of her age, she climbed trees, she had insects
               Tapescript: 3.1.1                              and frogs as her pets, and even she rejected to wear dresses.
                                                              At the age of seven, she made a homemade roller coaster
              My elder brother and I always loved watching Formula 1 racing
                                                              with the help of her sister. When she crashed on the ground,
              on TV at home. But one day, we went to watch the Grand Prix
                                                              she said, “It was just like flying.” In 1908, she saw one of the
              live at the Silverstone Circuit, which has been the permanent
                                                              first airplanes of Wright Brothers, but she wasn’t interested in
              home of the British Grand Prix since 1987. There were lots of
                                                              flying in those years. During World War I, she left college and
              excited people around talking, laughing and shouting. I was
                                                              became a volunteer nurse. The year 1920 was the turning
              amazed by the atmosphere. Schumacher was there on the
                                                              point in her life because a ten-minute airplane ride at an air
              circuit and ready for the race. I’m sure there is not one person
                                                              show changed her life forever. First, she began to take flying
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