P. 85
ENGLISH 10 Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü
infections. If you touch them, you may cut yourself. If you are Nina: Yes, Matt. I hope this time you have news that will
cut by a coral, you should clean the wound with soapy water surprise me.
and apply antibiotic ointment or antiseptic liquid on it. If you Matt: You know, I always find events you like. And this time,
don’t do any treatment immediately, it will get worse then. Even it’s a food festival.
for the minor ones, you should seek medical attention. Thank Nina: Oh, Matt. I’m on a diet, as you know.
you for your cooperation. Have a nice holiday. Matt: Haha! Don’t worry, Nina. I’ve just found a festival that
also includes lots of events and activities.
Tapescript: 6.2.1 Nina: Really? That’s awesome!
Matt: Yeah! We’ll both try different types of pizzas and join
Emma: Have a nice day, doctor! Emma is speaking. I’ve been
entertaining events in a magnificent Italian city.
suffering from an allergy for years. I’ve been to lots of doctors,
Nina: You mean Naples, right?
and I’ve had lots of tests. Nobody knows what the trouble really
Matt: Exactly. I was looking for some interesting things to do
is. What should I do?
during our trip to Italy, and I heard about this festival in Naples,
Dr. Joe: Dear Emma, first, you shouldn’t be exposed to sudden
which is famous for its pizza. The dates change every year, but
changes in temperatures. If you work in an office with central
luckily, it’s in September this year. So, we can catch it during
heating or air conditioning, you should be careful when you go
our trip.
out, for example. Secondly, you shouldn’t consume cold food
Nina: Oh, I can’t believe this. Please tell me that there is good
or drink that shocks the system. Thirdly, you’d better bathe in
music and we can dance, too.
warm water, every day. Finally, you should keep away from
Matt: Of course we can! There will be concerts every day. We
condiments like pepper, salt, vinegar – anything spicy, in fact.
won’t only taste different types of pizzas but also join the pizza
David: Hello, Dr. Joe! I’m David. I’ve been told that I have high
workshops and watch competitions.
blood pressure. I’ve been really working hard these days, and
Nina: Great! I should start packing!
I’m really worried. What should I do to get it back to normal?
Matt: Don’t forget to take comfortable shoes and a camera.
Dr. Joe: Well, David! You should definitely eat less and exercise
We’ll walk around the city for hours and visit historical places,
more. You’d better eat fresh fruit and vegetables. No salt is
recommended. You should also stay away from stress which
Nina: Sure! I can’t wait to be there, Matt.
means you should take enough time off work. Always smile
Matt: Alright. I’ll call the tour agency for the new plans.
and be positive. And one more thing, your body needs about 8
glasses of water every day. Don’t ignore it.
Tapescript 7.2.1
Tom: Good afternoon, doctor! Tom is here. I’m going on a
camping holiday next week. Whenever I go, I get bitten really Everyone knows that fresh lemonade is preferred by most
badly by mosquitoes. Is there anything I can do to avoid the of the kids. Moms like to make it at home because it is both
bites because they really spoil the holiday? healthier and tastier than the ones sold at markets. You may
Dr. Joe: Of course, there is, Tom. It is a fact that mosquitoes think that we need too many lemons, but it is not necessary
attack people who eat food high in sugar. So, you’d better not to squeeze kilos of lemons. There are only a few ingredients
have sugary food or drinks. Also, don’t wear any colognes and needed, three lemons, water and sugar. Here is my recipe
perfumes because insects are attracted by them. And if they for the world’s easiest lemonade: The lemons are frozen just
bite you, don’t scratch the bites. Just wash them with soap and one night before you use them. Then, they are washed and
water. left at room temperature for about ten minutes. Next, they are
chopped in a food processor, and a glass of sugar is added
Tapescript: 6.3.1 into it. The ingredients are blended until you get a smooth
texture. After that, one and a half liter of water is poured into
Young ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my drama club,
this mixture, and it is blended again until the sugar completely
Mission Acting. I’m very excited and happy that you’ve decided
melts. Finally, it is drained with a wire strainer, and the juice
to participate in the drama club of the school. I’m looking
is filled into a jar or a bottle. It is important to serve your drink
forward to a year of amazing productions. In order to have the
cold, so you must cool it in the refrigerator at least for about an
most successful season possible, please keep some important
hour. It can be served with mint leaves. If you like it colder, you
rules in mind. First, if you accept a role in a play or plays, you
can add a few ice cubes into your glass. Bon appetite.
must be present at all rehearsals and performances. Please
remember we are a team, and we must rely on each other
Tapescript 7.3.1
for a successful performance. Keep your team’s spirit high,
and keep in mind that your attendance is very important. Presenter: Today, our theme is an international festival, and we
If you are unable to attend a rehearsal for any reason, you are going to interview one of the organizers of the TEKNOFEST.
must inform your director in person. Next, you must always Yes, Mr. Söylemez. Welcome to our program.
come to rehearsals ready to work. Irresponsible behavior Mr. Söylemez: Thank you. And I’m really glad to give
will not be tolerated. Then, learn to use your time effectively. information about the largest aviation and aerospace festival in
Time management is a must if you’re a member of my drama Turkey. The more people learn about it, the more contribution it
club, and it’s also very important in a student’s life. Lastly, you will make to our country’s technological development.
must take care of all costumes, props, etc. properly. You are Presenter: Happy to hear this. First of all, where and when was
responsible for your own costumes and props. Please never this festival first held? And who are the main organizers?
touch or move anything that does not belong to you. Never Mr. Söylemez: The event started to be held in Istanbul in
cross this red line. This is totally unacceptable. If you have 2018. And, it’s organized by the Turkey Technology Team and
questions or concerns, please feel free to speak to me directly. Ministry of Industry and Technology. It’s also supported by the
institutions that are quite important to develop the national
Tapescript 7.1.1 technology.
Presenter: You mean, this event is supported by both state and
Matt: Hey, Nina. Guess what?
private organizations.