P. 88

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 10


               Tapescript 10.1.1                              Tapescript 10.3.1
              Lucy: Hey, Brenda. Have you made up your mind yet?  We  interrupt  our  program  to  bring  you  a  newsflash.  Two
              Brenda: Oh no, Lucy! I can’t decide between these two skirts.   dangerous and heavily armed criminals are believed to be at
              Which one should I buy?                        large in the area of York following the robbery of the worldwide
              Lucy: Let me see. They’re so different. The checked one is   known, three-story clothes and beauty shop, The Glitz, early
              shorter and more colorful; the purple one is longer and plainer.   this morning. The security guards of the place were seriously
              Would you like to try them on?                 injured during the incident. The description of the two suspects
              Brenda: Well, I’ve changed my mind. I’d better buy this trendy   seen  leaving  the  scene  of  the  crime  is  as  follows: The  first
              dress. It will be much better for a graduation ceremony.  man, and most possibly the leader of the two, is described by
              Lucy: Yes, I loved its color. And it looks more elegant than the   witnesses as being tall, quite muscular and middle-aged with
              skirts. Its grey stripes will shine under the lights.  tanned skin. He has a square face and very thick, curly brown
              Brenda: You’re right. It’ll also be cheaper to buy one piece, so   hair. He is also described as having green eyes, a crooked
              I won’t have to look for a top. Let me find the dressing rooms.  nose and full lips. He was wearing a long dirty overcoat and
              Lucy: Wait. Help me to choose one of these jeans. I want to   shiny black shoes and, he was walking with a limp. By contrast,
              buy a pair of jeans.                           the second suspect may still be a teenager. He is of medium
              Brenda: Alright. Blue ones look baggier,  and I  think tighter   height and skinny. He has a pale and freckled skin and a round
              jeans suit you more.  You really look thinner in them.  You   face with very short blond hair, slanting eyes, a curved nose
              should buy those skinny black jeans.           and thin lips. One witness noticed a big dragon tattoo on his
              Lucy: Maybe, you’re right. I’ll try them on. What about this pink   left arm. He was wearing tight blue jeans, a plain black cotton
              top? Will it go well with the jeans?           T-shirt and heavy boots. If you believe you have seen either of
              Brenda: Ah,  it  looks  lovely. You  should  definitely  buy  them.   these people, please contact your local police station as soon
              And Lucy, what do you think about this black and white striped   as possible.
              tie? I’ve just seen it and I want to buy it for my father.
              Lucy: Black and white are the colors of his favorite football
              team. I think he’ll be very happy and love it.
              Brenda: OK, then. Let’s go and try on these nice clothes.
               Tapescript 10.2.1
              Ally: Oh! Look at the jumpsuit I’ve bought last winter! I only
              wore it three times, but it looks so worn out!
              Jim: Oh, my dear cousin, Ally! You probably bought it from a
              fast fashion brand, right? Let me check its materials. Polyester,
              acrylic, nylon… All of them are synthetic fibers. No surprise
              that it gets thrown out after a few wears.
              Ally: It’s my favorite brand where I find the latest trends at very
              cheap prices. But it drives me crazy to see my precious clothes
              in such a bad condition at the end of each season.
              Jim: Have you ever heard of the term sustainable fashion? It’s
              also called as eco-fashion or slow fashion.
              Ally: I think I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, Jim. The
              only thing I understand here is the word eco, and all the
              apparels with this tag are always very expensive.
              Jim: All your cheap and trendy clothes are made of inorganic
              materials which are damaging our planet. Also, they’re made
              in very poor countries, where manufacturers work under harsh
              conditions. But slow fashion is just the opposite.
              Ally: Jim, I didn’t know that. This is really sad and unfair! Well
              then, tell me the difference in sustainable fashion.
              Jim: Consider it as a counter-movement to fast fashion. It may
              be more expensive, but there is a reason behind that. All the
              products are well-designed and produced responsibly to take
              care of our planet. They are made from natural materials, such
              as organic or recycled cotton and wool. This means they have
              less toxic waste and can break down in nature easily.
              Ally: How does a college student like me afford those prices?
              Jim: Look. First of all, a slow fashion product lasts ten times
              longer than a fast fashion piece. So, you buy once and use
              it for years. Second, not all sustainable fashion is expensive.
              There are many options if you look around. The thrift stores,
              the vintage or second-hand shops are now everywhere. They
              sell cool and stylish pieces for super cheap prices. At the end
              of the day, you spend less when you prefer slow fashion.
              Ally:  I’ve  never  looked  fashion  from  this  perspective,  Jim.
              Thank you so much for broadening my mind.
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