P. 84

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 10


              in Jordan. It was a family trip in 2018. I was amazed by this   for VR?
              unique city. Even the hotel we stayed in was very authentic.   Shelley: Let me see if I’ve understood you correctly. A travel
              Katie: Petra has always been a dream destination for me! Did   application  for virtual reality headsets? Are you out of your
              you also join the Petra Night Show?            beautiful mind, brother? We don’t even have a VR headset!
              Amos: Sure.  The organizers  illuminated  everywhere  with   Kevin: I know… I know, but listen, Shelley! We’re both very
              hundreds  of candles. We walked  around  the city under  the   good  at  coding.  Also,  we’ve  always  wanted  to  have  a  VR
              incredible  night sky full of  stars. All the tourists enjoyed the   headset, but we couldn’t convince mom and dad. But with this
              atmosphere silently to preserve the magic.     travel app, we can change things.
              Katie: Wonderful! Amos, I really admire you. I’ll go and check   Shelley: Is this your perfect plan to convince them, Kevin? Or,
              the flights to Jordan after the show. Thank you so much.  should I say your evil plan?
              Amos: Thanks for the opportunity.              Kevin: Oh, please stop being sarcastic! Just believe in me!
                                                             Shelley: OK, OK… I’m listening.
               Tapescript 5.2.1                              Kevin: Mom and dad  promised  us to make  a family trip
                                                             to  Cappadocia  last  spring,  remember?  And  it  has  been
              Receptionist: Hotel Blossom. How may I help you?
                                                             postponed  like  forever. With our amazing  talents, we’ll  take
              Client: Good morning. I’d like to make a reservation for the
                                                             them to a virtual tour in Cappadocia. What do you say?
              first weekend of July. Do you have any vacancies?
                                                             Shelley: OK. What’s the first thing to do?
              Receptionist:  Yes sir,  we have several rooms available  for
                                                             Kevin: First, we’ll make a list of the equipment for developing
              that particular weekend. And what is the exact date of your
                                                             a VR app. Bring the pencils and the notebook over there.
                                                             Shelley: Here we go…
              Client: The 2  of July.
              Receptionist: How long will you be staying?
                                                             Part 2
              Client: I’ll be staying for two nights.
                                                             Dad: Hey, kids! Dinner is ready. Come over, please.
              Receptionist: How many people is the reservation for?
                                                             Shelley - Kevin: OK, dad!
              Client: There will be two of us.
                                                             Mom: We haven’t seen you guys all day. What have you been
              Receptionist: And would you like a room with twin beds or a
                                                             doing in there?
              double bed?
                                                             Kevin: Mom, dad, actually there is something we need to ask
              Client: A double bed, please.
              Receptionist: Great. And would you prefer to have a deluxe
                                                             Dad: Go on, please.
              room with a sea view?
                                                             Kevin: Remember we were supposed to take a family trip to
              Client: Sure, that would be super. What’s the cost of the room?
                                                             Cappadocia, Turkey last spring?
              Receptionist: Your room is 470 dollars per night and breakfast
                                                             Mom: Sure, but you all know we had to shelve that plan due
              is included. What name will the reservation be listed under?
                                                             to the pandemic.
              Client: Steve Norris.
                                                             Shelley: But we don’t have to! We found a way to take us
              Receptionist: Could you spell your last name, please?
                                                             there from the comfort of our living room.
              Client: Sure. N-O-R-R-I-S.
                                                             Kevin: Shelley and I are going to design a travel app for VR
              Receptionist: And could I have a contact number?
                                                             headsets. Our first destination will be Cappadocia!
              Client: Yes, my cell phone number is 555-32568.
                                                             Mom: Hmm… Sounds exciting! How will you do that?
              Receptionist: Great. Now, I’ll need the credit card information
                                                             Shelley: All we need is a VR headset, a software program and
              to complete your reservation. What is the card number?
                                                             some cheap plug-ins.
              Client: It’s 966745238
                                                             Mom: Isn’t this VR thing something you’ve been asking to play
              Receptionist: And what is the name of the cardholder?
              Client: Steve Norris.
                                                             Kevin: Yes, it is. But this time it’s different. First, we’ll test all
              Receptionist: Alright, Mr. Norris, your reservation has been
                                                             our coding abilities. Then, we’ll create something beneficial for
              made for the second of July for a room with a double bed and
                                                             our family. We already have our tablets for designing.
              a sea view. Check-in is at 12 o’clock. Could I have your email
                                                             Shelley: The rest will cost not more than $300. Dad, what do
              address for confirmation?
                                                             you say?
              Client: For sure,
                                                             Dad: Shelley, Kevin… You got my approval kids. I’m ready to
              Receptionist: For further information, do not hesitate to call
                                                             make this investment in my children. Are you with us, dear?
              us, please.
                                                             Mom: I guess it’s much cheaper than the actual trip, isn’t it?
              Client: I’d like to know if you allow pets or not.
                                                             Dad: Let’s do it!
              Receptionist: Of course. Our hotel is pet-friendly.
                                                             Shelley - Kevin: YES!
              Client: Great! Thank you so much.
              Receptionist: My pleasure. We’ll be pleased to welcome you
                                                              Tapescript: 6.1.1
              in our hotel, Mr. Norris. Have a nice day!
              Client: Have a nice day.                       Ladies  and gentlemen, welcome  to Phuket Boat  Tour.  The
                                                             Tourism Authority of Thailand would like to advise you to be
               Tapescript 5.3.1                              extra careful when swimming or snorkeling in Thai waters due
                                                             to the season of box jellyfish. Do not swim if there are warning
              Part 1                                         signs, and always make sure of  the location of the nearest
              Shelley: Oh god! I got deadly bored of being at home all day   first aid center. Be aware of the jellyfish when you are in the
              long! Will this lockdown ever end?             water. They can swim close to the shore. If a jellyfish stings
              Kevin: Look, I have a crazy idea! I’m sure you’ll like it because   you, do not wash or scrub the affected area. You should rinse
              it’s going to end all our boredom.             the area with vinegar or ammonia and seek medical attention.
              Shelley: Go on! Please, hype me up!            Also, be aware of the coral reefs. You can look at them, but do
              Kevin: What would you say if you and I designed a travel app   not touch because many corals contain toxins and may cause
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