Page 20 - İngilizce Farklılaştırılmış Öğretim Etkinlikleri
P. 20
9.SINIF - Farklılaştırılmış Öğretim Etkinlikleri Listesi
Sıra Tema Öğrenme Çıktısı Etkinlik Adı
E9.1.L2. Students will be able to detect specific information
about jobs / countries / nationalities.
E9.1.S1. Students will be able to introduce themselves and their
family members. Kütüphane
1 Studying Abroad-2 21
E9.1.S2. Students will be able to ask and answer about their Kayıt Formu
personal belongings.
E9.1.W1. Students will be able to write simple sentences and
phrases (a postcard, etc.)
E9.2.L1. Students will be able to respond to the questions
related to the topic of a recorded text/video.
E9.2.S3. Students will be able to ask and answer questions
2 My Environment Memleketim 25
about location of things and places.
E.9.2.W.1. Students will be able to fill in a chart comparing
cities in different countries / Türkiye.
E9.3.L1. Students will be able to detect familiar words /phrases
about likes / dislikes and hobbies in a recorded text or video. Favori
3 Movies-1 30
E9.3.S1. Students will be able to express their opinions about Etkinliklerim
free time activities.
E9.3.R1. Students will be able to scan film reviews on blogs to
4 Movies-2 decide which movie to see. Sinema Günü 44
E9.3.W1. Students will be able to write their opinions on a blog.
E9.4.L2. Students will be able to identify time expressions of
daily routines
E9.4.S2. Students will be able to talk about their daily Günlük
5 Human In Nature-1 49
activities and the frequencies of those activities Aktiviteler
E9.4.W1. Students will be able to write about their friend's daily
life and the frequencies of their activities.
E9.4.S1. Students will be able to talk about their abilities.
6 Human In Nature-2 E9.4.R2. Students will be able to scan reading passages about Yeteneklerim 53
people to find out different/unusual abilities.
E9.5.L1. Students will be able to identify the descriptions of
people’s appearances in a recorded text.
E9.5.R1. Students will be able to scan a text for specific Fiziksel
7 Inspirational People 56
information. Öğrenim
E9.5.R2. Students will be able to guess the meanings of
unknown words from the contexts.
E9.6.S4. Students will be able to talk about some basic cultural
differences of places they have visited.
E9.6.R1. Students will be able to scan short texts describing Kültürel
8 Bridging Culture 60
some famous cities in the world for specific information. Miraslar
E9.6.W2. Students will be able to write a series of sentences
about the city that they would like to visit by indicating reasons.
E9.7.R1. Students will be able to ask and answer the questions
about a text related to the world heritage. Doğal-Kültürel
9 World Heritage 64
E9.7.W1. Students will be able to write a series of sentences Hazineler
about historical places they visited in the past.
E9.9.L2. Students will be able to recognise the most frequently
used expressions related to shopping in a recorded text.
Invitations And
10 E9.9.S3. Students will be able to give and receive information Alışverişteyim 72
about quantities, numbers, price in conversations about