Page 84 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 84


  KONU                            REDUCTION OF ADVERBIAL CLAUSES
                  YDT    YDT    YDT     YDT    YDT    YDT    YDT    YDT     YDT    YDT    YDT           YDT

                                     REDUCTION OF ADVERBIAL  CLAUSES
                                           Reduction of Adverbial Clauses
            Reduction of Time      Reduction of Reason   Reduction of  Conditional  Reduction of Concession
                 Clauses                 Clauses                 Clauses                 Clauses
                                      Use of Reduction of Adverbial Clauses
         Kısaltma yaparken iki cümlenin öznelerinin aynı olup olmadığına, cümleler arasında zaman farkı olup olmadığına ve
         fiil çekiminin etken ya da edilgen olmasına dikkat edilmelidir.

                             ACTIVE                                         PASSIVE
                   V                    Having V               (be + ing) V           Having been V
                    ing                         3                        3                        3
            (Present Participle)    (Perfect Participle)     (Past Participle)      (Perfect Participle)
               Perfect Participle kullanımı iki cümle arasında zaman farkı olduğunu gösterir.

                                         REDUCTION OF TIME CLAUSES
           While / As     When         After       Before       Until     As soon as / Once     Since

         WHILE / AS
                         Active (V )                                  Passive (being V )
                                 ing                                                 3
         ♦  While / As we were travelling abroad, we came   ♦  People may contract an illness while they are being treated in a
           across many obstacles that caused tension.   hospital.
         ♦  (While / As) travelling abroad, we came across many
           obstacles that caused tension.           ♦  People may contract an illness while being treated in a hospital.
               While / As cümleden atılarak da kısaltma yapılabilir.


                         Active (V )                                     Passive (V )
                                 ing                                              3
         ♦  The scientists made a significant discovery when they  ♦  Conventional plastic never goes away even when it is
           were examining the vocal muscles of zebra finches.  exposed to heat and sunlight.
         ♦  The scientists made a significant discovery when   ♦  Conventional plastic never goes away even when exposed to
           examining the vocal muscles of zebra finches.  heat and sunlight.

               Active cümlede when bağlacı while anlamında kullanılmıştır.when bağlacı while anlamında kullanılmıştır.
               Aktif cümlede
         UPON / ON
         ♦  When the expert finished the analysis of the data, he started testing the outcomes.
         ♦  Upon / On finishing the analysis of the data, the expert started testing the outcomes.
                When bağlacı arka arkaya gerçekleşen eylemleri ifade eden iki cümleyi bağlıyorsa; etken cümlede when
                yerine upon / on + Ving kullanılır.

                    Active (V   / having V )                          Passive (being V )
                            ing        3                                             3
         ♦  After the mountaineers had reached the summit,   ♦  After it is renovated, the citadel will be opened to visitors.
           they faced a breathing problem.
         ♦  (After) having reached the summit, they faced a   ♦  (After) being renovated, the citadel will be opened to visitors.
           breathing problem.
                After  ile  yapılan  kısaltmalarda  hem  Present  Participle  hem  de  Perfect  Participle  kullanılabilir.  Perfect
                Participle ile bahsedilen eylemin önce gerçekleştiği vurgulanmış olur. After bağlacı cümleden çıkarılabilir.
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