Page 88 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 88
Verb + preposition + gerund yapısını oluşturan fiil-edat kombinasyonları sabittir, bağlamdan bağımsız olarak aynı
şekilde kullanılır ve ezberlenmesi gerekir.
♦ I am fed up with the fact that you always complain about not being taken seriously.
♦ We are looking forward to celebrating our daughter’s graduation this weekend.
En yaygın kullanılan fiil-edat kombinasyonları tablodaki gibidir.
Verb + Preposition + Gerund
abstain from comment on forget about refer to
adjust to complain about insist on succeed in
apologise for consist of look forward to specialise in
approve of deal with object to talk about / of
believe in depend on / upon participate in think about / of
care about dream about / of plan on worry about
Verb + object + preposition + gerund yapısı, belirli fiillerin ardından nesne ve ardından bir eylemi ifade etme ihtiyacı
duyulduğunda kullanılır.
♦ All mothers devote themselves to growing their children for a better future.
♦ Strict regulations are in effect to prevent companies from polluting the environment.
Verb + Object + Preposition + Gerund
accuse sb of congratulate sb on keep sb from
apologise to sb for deter sb from prevent sb from
arrest sb for devote oneself to punish sb for
blame sb for discourage sb from stop sb from
charge sb with forgive sb for suspect sb of
complain to sb about involve sb in warn sb about / against
To genellikle infinitive (to + fiil kökü) ile ilişkilendirilir, ancak bazı durumlarda to edat olarak kullanılır. To edat görevi
görüyorsa, ardından gerund gelir. Genellikle alışkanlık, eğilim veya devam eden durumu ifade eder.
To edatından sonra gelen gerund yapının fiiller, isimler ve sıfatlar ile birlikte kullanıldığı ifadeler:
Verb+ to + gerund: Commit to, look forward to, dedicate to, devote to, refer to, resort to, object to
♦ I look forward to meeting you soon.
♦ The teacher referred to solving the problem as a priority.
Noun + to + gerund: Due to, owing to, in addition to, objection to, addiction to, key to
♦ The delay was due to missing the train.
♦ The key to solving the problem is communication.
Adjective + to + gerund: Be used to, be opposed to, be committed to, be addicted to, be dedicated to
♦ The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint.
♦ Some teenagers are addicted to spending too much time on their phones.
Adjective + preposition + gerund yapısında gerund, cümlede nesne gibi işlev görür ve sıfat - edat yapısını tamamlar.
Genellikle duygu, tutum veya durum ifade etmek için kullanılır.
Sıfat + edat kombinasyonları sabittir, farklı edatlar kullanılamaz. Örneğin, accustomed to yerine accustomed for
denilemez, bu nedenle kullanımları öğrenmek önemlidir.
Adjective + Preposition + Gerund
accustomed to bored with excited about jealous of similar to
afraid of capable of exposed to keen on sorry about / for
angry at concerned about fed up with opposed to surprised at
appropriate for (in) delighted at good / bad at proud of suitable for
ashamed of disappointed about / at happy about / of quick at sure of / about
aware of essential to interested in responsible for tired of
♦ She is accustomed to traveling light and can pack everything she needs in a single backpack.
♦ İsa is good at solving technical problems, which is why everyone calls him before contacting tech support.