Page 85 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 85


 YDT  YDT  YDT  YDT  YDT  YDT  YDT  YDT  YDT  YDT  YDT  YDT  Active (V )  Passive (being V )
                                 ing                                                 3
         ♦  Before you take a medicine, you should definitely  ♦  Before a new technology is utilised on a large scale, it needs
           read the prospectus.                       to be tested meticulously.
         ♦  Before  taking  a  medicine,  you  should  definitely  ♦  Before being utilised on a large scale, it needs to be tested
           read the prospectus.                       meticulously.

                Before ile yapılan kısaltmalarda Perfect Participle (having V , having been V ) kullanılmaz. Edilgen kullanım
                                                                3             3
                mutlaka being V  şeklinde olmalıdır. After, when ve while bağlaçlarının aksine before cümleden çıkarılamaz.
                         Active (V )                                Passive (V  / being V )
                                 ing                                         3        3
         ♦  We should allocate a few hours a day for a language  ♦  Students  are  taught  in  their  mother  tongue  until  they  are
           until we master it.                        considered mature enough.
         ♦  We should allocate a few hours a day for a language  ♦  Students  are  taught  in  their  mother  tongue  until (being)
           until mastering it.                        considered mature enough.

               Until ile yapılan edilgen kısaltmalarda hem V  hem de being V  yapısı kullanılabilir.
                                                   3             3
         AS SOON AS / ONCE
                    Active (Upon / On + V )                      Passive (Upon / On + being V )
                                      ing                                                 3
         ♦  As soon as dinasours debuted, they quickly spread
           across the world.                        ♦  Once Sandra is promoted, she will supervise the accounting.
         ♦  Upon / On debuting, dinasours quickly spread   ♦  Upon / On being promoted, she will supervise the accounting.
           across the world.
                As soon as / Once bağlaçları kısaltmada cümleden atılarak yerlerine Upon / On edatları kullanılır. Upon / On
                edatları ile yapılan edilgen kısaltmalarda sadece being V  yapısı kullanılabilir.
                        Active (V  / having  V )                    Passive (being / having been + V )
                                ing        3                                                    3
         ♦  Archaeologists  have  been  uncovering  significant  artefacts  ♦  Since  pandas  were  taken  under  legal  protection,
           since they began excavating the ancient site.       their population has increased.
         ♦  Archaeologists have been uncovering significant artefacts   ♦  Since being taken / having been taken under legal
           since beginning / having begun excavating the ancient site.  protection, the population of pandas has increased.

                Since "-den beri" anlamında kısaltmalarda hem V  hem de having V  yapıları kullanılabilir. Since ile yapılan
                                                       ing              3
                edlgen kısaltmalarda hem being V  hem de having been V  yapıları kullanılabilir.
                                            3                   3
                                       REDUCTION OF REASON CLAUSES
                     Because                          Since                            As

               Sebep bildiren bağlaçlar, kısaltma cümlelerinde cümleden atılarak oluşturulur.
         SINCE / AS / BECAUSE

                   Active (V  / having + V )                   Passive (being / having been + V )
                           ing         3                                                   3
         ♦  Since they are under the threat of extinction, giraffes ♦  As he had been defeated in the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon
           are on the official watch list of endangered species.  had to abdicate from his thrones.
         ♦  Being under the threat of extinction, giraffes are   ♦  Having been defeated in the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon
           on the official watch list of endangered species.  had to abdicate from his thrones.

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