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        12. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

        “The Future Perfect Continuous Tense”de olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapıları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği gibi oluşturulur.

                             Affirmative              Negative               Interrogative

                      The excavation at the site will have  The excavation at the site will not  Will the excavation at the site have
          I / You / We /   been continuing for thirteen years in  have been continuing for thirteen  been continuing for thirteen years in   Video 3.29
         They He / She / It
                      2032.                   years in 2032.          2032?

        The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

            “Future Perfect Continuous Tense” gelecekte bir eylemin belirli bir zamandan önce ne kadar süredir yapılıyor olduğunu
             anlattığımız durumlarda kullanılır. Bu zamanda genellikle olayın süresi de belirtilir.
              ▪ Scientists will have been studying Earth’s atmosphere and climate for a decade when the results of their research
                 are published.
        Time Expressions Used in the Future Perfect Continuous Tense

              for two years        by tomorrow       by this time tomorrow       by then

                                   Time Clause                         Main Clause              Video 3.30

                                         The Simple Present Tense,
                   When / By the time   +   or                  The Future Perfect Continuous
                                         The Present Perfect Tense,

              ▪ By the 2040s, astronomers will have been studying the heavens with their radio telescopes for more than a century.
              ▪ How long will scientists have been working on developing a new form of space travel by the time their findings are / have been
              ▪ When the semester ends / has ended, the university instructors will have been teaching incessantly for eight months.

        The Future Perfect Tense or The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

                                  Affirmative                Negative                Interrogative

           The Future Perfect   Robotics will have affected the human  Robotics  will not have affected  the  Will robotics  have affected the human
               Tense      labour force and the global economy by  human labour force and the global  labour force and the global economy by
                                                    economy by 2050.
                                                    Roboticists will not have been working
           The Future Perfect  Roboticists  will  have been working  on   on robotic intelligence for decades by   Will roboticists  have been working on
           Continuous Tense  robotic intelligence for decades by 2050.  2050.  robotic intelligence for decades by 2050?

            Gelecek zamanda devam ediyor olacak olan bir olayı anlatırken “The Future Perfect Continuous Tense” kullanılırken,
             gelecekte belli bir zamandan önce bitmiş olacak olan bir olayı ifade ederken “The Future Perfect Tense” kullanılır.
              ▪ Situation: We have to read twelve different novels to finish this academic year by June.

              ▪ By June, we will have been reading novels for nine months.
              ▪ By November, we will have read eight novels.
                                                                                                Video 3.31
              ▪ By June, we will have finished reading all twelve novels.

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