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P. 49


        The Past Perfect Tense or The Past Perfect Continuous Tense
            Geçmişte belli bir noktada olmuş olaylardan söz ederken daha geçmişte olmuş eylemi ifade etmek için
             “The Past Perfect Tense” kullanılırken; geçmişte belirli bir ana kadar devam eden eylemleri ifade etmek için
             “The Past Perfect Continuous Tense” kullanılır.
                                                                                                Video 3.22
             ▪ Before the students decided on their thesis topic, they had made some thorough research in the literature.
              ▪ The city council had been planning a referendum on the issue of water privatisation for almost two months when it
                announced that the vote would be delayed until May.
            Geçmişte belirli bir zaman diliminden önce tamamlanmış eylemlerin sonucuna vurgu yapmak için “The Past Perfect
             Tense” kullanılırken; geçmişte bir noktaya kadar devam etmiş, tamamlanmış eylemlerin sürecine vurgu yapmak için
             “The Past Perfect Continuous Tense” kullanılır.

             ▪ Authorities realised that the imbalance in supply and demand had caused the prices to fluctuate tremendously.
             ▪ By the time the company came to the forefront of the Artificial Intelligence software field, it had been fighting for market
                share against other competitors for several years.

        9. The Simple Future Tense: will – be going to
        “The Simple Future Tense: will”de olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapıları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği gibi oluşturulur.

                           Affirmative              Negative                 Interrogative
                      The excavation at the site   The excavation at the site will not start  Will the excavation at the site start
         You / We / They  will start soon if they decide  soon if they decide to construct the   soon if they decide to construct
          I / He / She / It                                                                     Video 3.23
                      to construct the bridge.  bridge.              the bridge?

        The Simple Future Tense: will
            Gelecek zamanda olacak olay ve durumlar
              ▪ According to the economic forecast issued this week, unemployment will not be a problem in California for long.
            Önceden tasarlanmayan, anlık gelişen ve konuşma anında kararlaştırılan olaylar
              ▪ Mike  :  Honey, have you seen my glasses? I can’t find them anywhere.
                  Sue   :  They’re on the coffee table in the living room. I will fetch them.
            Gelecekle ilgili tahminler
              ▪ I don’t think the space will ever become a popular travel destination because the trips are quite expensive.
            Söz verme, rica, teklif ve tehdit içeren ifadeler
              ▪ Mike to Sue : I know I have borrowed so much money, but this is the last time, and I promise I will pay you as soon
                 as I get my salary. (promise)
              ▪ David to Mary : Mary, I have been trying to reach Mark, but he is not picking up his phone. Is he OK, and will you
                 please tell him to call me back as soon as possible? (request)
              ▪ You don’t need to worry about your flowers while you are on your honeymoon. I will look after them. (offer)
              ▪ You haven’t paid your rent for over six months. If you don’t pay it in a week, I will have to sue you. (threat)
            Kaçınılmaz olan eylem ve durumlar
              ▪ The Internet will take the place of employment agencies just as it is now taking the place of libraries and travel agents.
            Geleceğe dair umut, korku ve varsayımlar
              ▪ Arthur hopes that his travels will bring him closer to the experience of nature and allow him to feel the direct effect of
                 the sublime on his senses.
              ▪ I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it to class tomorrow because I’m going to the US Embassy to get a visa for my
                 summer holiday.
            Resmî duyurular
              ▪ Dear participants, those who don’t obey the rules will not be allowed to attend the upcoming events.

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