Page 103 - İngilizce Farklılaştırılmış Öğretim Etkinlikleri
P. 103


                                        10.SINIF - FARKLILAŞTIRILMIŞ ÖĞRETİM ETKİNLİKLERİ

        EK2: Holistic Rubric for Speaking Activity

        Student’s Name: _________________________                                               Date: _________________________

        Objective: Students will be able to book a room at a hotel / a table in a restaurant etc.

         Criteria            Excellent (4)        Good (3)            Fair (2)             Poor (1)

                                            The student                              Students struggle
                         Student effectively   communicates     communication is     to communicate
                         communicates                           somewhat unclear,
         Communication   their ideas using   ideas clearly,     with frequent        ideas, with frequent
                                            with occasional
                                                                                     hesitations and errors
                         clear and precise   hesitations or minor   hesitations or errors   significantly impeding
                         language.                              that do not impede
                                            errors.                                  understanding.
                         The student speaks   Student speaks    The student's speech   The student's speech
                         fluently and with   fluently most of the
         Fluency         ease, maintaining   time, with occasional   is somewhat hesitant,   is very hesitant,
                                                                                     with frequent and
                                                                with noticeable
                         a natural flow of   pauses or breaks in   pauses and breaks.  prolonged pauses.
                         speech.            speech.
                                            Student uses a      Student's vocabulary
                         The student        varied vocabulary,   is somewhat limited,   Student's vocabulary
                         demonstrates a wide                                         is minimal, with
         Vocabulary      range of vocabulary   though there may   with frequent      frequent use of basic
                                                                repetition or difficulty
                                            be occasional
                         appropriate to the   inaccuracies or   finding appropriate   or inappropriate
                         context.                                                    words.
                                            repetition.         words.
                                            The student's                            The student's
                                            speech is mostly    Student makes
                         Student consistently   grammatically   frequent grammatical   speech is marred
                         uses grammatically                                          by numerous
         Grammar                            correct, with       errors, though the
                         correct structures   occasional errors   meaning is usually   grammatical errors,
                         and forms.                                                  making it difficult to
                                            that do not impede   clear.              understand.
                                                                                     The student's
                         The student's      The student's       The student's        pronunciation
                         pronunciation is   pronunciation is    pronunciation is     is difficult to
                         clear and easily
         Pronunciation                      mostly clear, with   somewhat unclear,   understand, with
                         understandable,    occasional errors in   with noticeable errors   frequent errors in
                         with a native-like   stress or intonation.  in stress or intonation.  stress, intonation, and
                                            Student participates
                         The student actively   actively in the   Student's engagement  The student shows
                         engages in the     conversation,       with the conversation   little engagement
                         conversation,                          is somewhat limited,   with the conversation,
         Engagement                         showing interest,
                         demonstrating      though engagement   with occasional      appearing
                         enthusiasm and     may wane            disinterest or       disinterested or
                         interest.                              distraction.         distracted throughout.
        Teacher’s Note: ..............................................................................................................................................

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