Page 187 - İngilizce Farklılaştırılmış Öğretim Etkinlikleri
P. 187
EK2: Holistic Rubric for Written & Speaking Test
Student’s Name:
CRITERIA / 5 4 3 2
There are no There are no There are 1-2 There are several
grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical
mistakes in the mistakes in the mistakes in the mistakes in the
sentences. sentences after sentences even sentences even
feedback from after feedback after feedback
the teacher. from the teacher. from the teacher.
No spelling errors No more than No more than 3 Several spelling
remain after one 1 spelling error spelling errors errors in the
person other than remains after one remain after one sentences.
SPELLING & the typist reads person other than person other than
and corrects the the typist reads the typist reads
sentences. and corrects the and corrects the
sentences. sentences.
The authors The authors The authors try The authors do
correctly use correctly use a to use some new not incorporate
several new few new words vocabulary, but new vocabulary.
words and define and define words may use 1-2
words unfamiliar unfamiliar to the words incorrectly.
to the reader. reader.
All facts in the 99-90% of the 89-80% of the Fewer than 80%
CONTENT & sentences are facts in the facts in the of the facts in the
ACCURACY accurate. sentences are sentences are sentences are
accurate. accurate. accurate.
All students All students Most students Several students
in the group in the group in the group in the group
can accurately can accurately can accurately appear to have
answer all answer most answer most little knowledge
questions related questions related questions related about the facts
GAINED to facts in the to facts in the to facts in the or technical
sentences and sentences and sentences and processes used in
to technical to technical to technical the sentences.
processes used processes used processes used
to create the to create the to create the
sentences. sentences. sentences.
Student is able Student is able Student is able Student is unable
to accurately to accurately to accurately to accurately
answer almost all answer most answer a few answer questions
questions posed questions posed questions posed posed by
by classmates by classmates by classmates classmates about
about the topic. about the topic. about the topic. the topic.
Stays on topic Stays on topic Stays on topic It was hard to tell
STAYS ON TOPICS all (100%) of the most (99-90%) of some (89%-75%) what the topic
time. the time. of the time. was.
Lists all the main Lists all the main Lists all but one of Student cannot
points of the text. points, but uses the main points, find important
IDENTIFY the article for using the article information with
IMPORTANT reference. for reference. accuracy.
INFORMATION Not highlight
any unimportant