Page 98 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 98


               Prefer fiili hem gerund hem to infinitive ile, would prefer ise to infinitive ile kullanılır.

         ♦  I prefer spending my summer holiday in a five-star hotel to a mountain hut.
         ♦  I prefer to spend my summer holiday in a five-star hotel rather than stay in a mountain hut.
         ♦  I would prefer to spend my summer holiday in a five-star hotel rather than stay in a mountain hut.

         Bazı fillerin ardından nesne kullanıldığında to infinitive kullanılır. Fiilden sonra nesne yoksa gerund kullanılır.
            Verbs                   Verb + gerund                        Verb + object + to infinitive
                      ♦  Nutritionists advise drinking at least eight   ♦  Nutritionists advise people to drink at least
            advise       glasses of water a day to ensure that the body   eight glasses of water a day to ensure that the
                         is properly hydrated.                    body is properly hydrated.
                      ♦  Our family doctor recommends getting   ♦  Our family doctor recommends us to get
          recommend      regular checkups to make sure we are in good   regular checkups to make sure we are in good
                         health.                                  health.

                                                                ♦  The school administration does not allow
                      ♦  The school administration does not allow
            allow                                                 students to use mobile phones during class
                         using mobile phones during class hours.
                      ♦  For safety reasons, the laboratory does not   ♦  For safety reasons, the laboratory does not
                         permit eating near hazardous substances.  permit us to eat near hazardous substances.

                      ♦  The management forbids taking photographs  ♦  The management forbids visitors to take
                         inside the museum.                       photographs inside the museum.

                      ♦  Municipalities of big cities encourage saving   ♦  Municipalities of big cities encourage people
          encourage      energy through renewables and clean energy   to save energy through renewables and clean
                         initiatives.                             energy initiatives.

               Consider fiili, gerund yapısıyla kullanılır. Ancak, passive yapıda to infinitive ile kullanılır.

         ♦  The authorities consider making a substantial alteration in the shift system of the workers.
         ♦  A substantial alteration is considered to be made by the authorities in the shift system of the workers.

                                                   MY NOTES

  98      MEBİ KONU ÖZETLERİ                                                               ENGLISH - YDT
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