Page 118 - İngilizce Farklılaştırılmış Öğretim Etkinlikleri
P. 118
11.SINIF - Farklılaştırılmış Öğretim Etkinlikleri listesi
Sıra Tema Öğrenme Çıktısı Etkinlik Adı
E11.2.R1. Students will be able to identify lexis and
expressions related to past abilities in a text. Yetenek
19 Hobbies and Skills 119
E11.2.S2. Students will be able to ask and answer questions Avcıları
about their present and past abilities.
E11.4.R1. Students will be able to order the events in
the biography of a famous person / inventor / scientist / Efsane
20 What a Life celebrity. Hayatlar: 126
E11.4.S1. Students will be able to share their personal Bugüne
experiences in the past.
E11.5.S1. Students will be able to talk about their regrets
and wishes about past events.
E11.5.R1. Students will be able to analyze a text to
21 Back to The Past distinguish the expressions used to express wishes, regrets Hatıraların 132
and unreal past.
E11.5.W1. Students will be able to write their opinions and
regrets according to #Iwish.
E11.7.L1. Students will be able to recognize information
about the description of a monument or a historic site in a
Facts About Ülkemi Tanıyor
22 recorded text. 138
Türkiye ve Tanıtıyorum
E11.7.W1. Students will be able to write a blog post
recommending places to visit in Türkiye.
E11.8.S1. Students will be able to exchange opinions about
outdoor / extreme sports.
23 Sports E11.8.R1. Students will be able to analyse a text involving Sporlar 142
different kinds of extreme sports to reorder the scrambled
E11.10.S1. Students will be able to exchange ideas about Dünyası
values and practices. Büyüklerini
24 Values and Norms 148
E11.10.W2. Students will be able to write slogans about ve Edebiyat
spiritual, moral and social values. İnsanlarını